Friday, November 27, 2009

Art culture and Relegious Aspects

The stupa stands over three-tiered platform raised over the crossed rectangles in order to bring the yantra from. It is really beautiful and grand in architecture, as in stupa architecture. This stupa also has got vairochana at the centre followed by Achhyobhya, Padma Sambhava, Amitabh and Padma Amoghasiddi in east, west, south, and north directions respectively. Similarly, there are one hundred and eight small niches all around the stupa accommodation, the icons of the Buddha's conjoint figures in erotic poses. Likewise at the bottom level, it is surrounded with three praying wheels embossed with the famous mantra OM MANI PADME HUM fixed in more than hundred and forty niches

Boudhanath is one of the most sacred places of the buddists. For Tibetan Buddhist, it is even more scared and therefore more crowed by the Tibetan Lamas than other Buddhist sites. During Losar festival many Tbetan visit the place for pilgrimage. Entire Stupa and all it's sorroundings is decorated and lit during this festival. This is the New Year's Day festival of Tibetan and falls on half January and First half of February each year. The elders bless the Youngers during this festival. Another important event in Boudhanath is the twelve - year festival organized once every twelve-year. It is believed that it took twelve years. To complete the stupa and this festival is organized to commemorate that event, and thus organized after every twelve years. There is a tradition of taking the chariot of Mhyazima round the Bouddha area with the religious procession of full Moon Day of Mahga (jan-feb) each year. In the same way on the Buddha Jayanti (on fullmoon day of May-June) day also the procession takes place but thistime with the icons of lord Buddha on a chariot. On the full moon day of Janai Purnima (Aug-Sep) the stupa is decorated with flags and lit the immortal lamps inside the Bouddha Ghyang .The lamp should not be extinguished. In case, if it is extinguished it should be lit with another lamp brought either from Bajrayogini temple in sankhu. The tradition is called "Mharme Lhakhang" in Tibetan language.

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